20 January, 2013

Its all in the approach

Because the bridge is linking a stocked paddock with a roadway, we need to put in a grid.

This of course requires more earthworks.  And a grid.

Luckily the one that was there previously is still in pretty good condition, so that can be used.  You also need abutments, and then a section of fencing from the bbridge to the grid.

The location of our bridge is a bit precarious - there are natural springs and bog holes that just kind of pop up in the wetter weather in this area.

So the FB has decided to use the grid as a type of bridge over one of these areas, in conjunction with a copule of hollow logs in the subsequent wettter areas on the road.

It makes more sense when you see it:

Grid and Fresh (4)

Grid and Fresh (3)

The grid needs a fairly big hole dug, and two more logs to sit on (these are the abutments).  In the link above, they are concrete, but you can cut a section like that out of a log, and sit the grid on.

Grid and Fresh (2)

You will have to imagine it without the water in it, this was after inches and inches of rain

Grid and Fresh (10)

Grid and Fresh (6)

This is the bridge from the side down in the creek and nothing at all to do with grids.

  Then it is fenced up:

And Bob's your boss!

The last thing to do is to get Jimmy Lamb to bring the backhoe and gravel and we are finished!

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