08 January, 2013

Bridge over the river Condamine

As you may know, we have been sans bridge for a while now.

Although it has been entertaining to have a few quiet glasses of wine and discussion with my brother in law over the best type of bridge to build - we had all had enough of that come September.

Fortunately for me the FB is a Civil Engineer, so bridges, roads and access points are right up his.....er.....alley.

Although we don't have much cash at the moment, we do have machinery and natural resources that still make the bridge and road construction possible.

In case you wish to build a real (and not just a metaphorical) bridge in the near future - here is what you may need.

Ingredients for a bridge

1 x Civil Engineer (with a background in heavy machinery operation, and agricultural production)
1 x D6 Bulldozer (Vintage 1961)
1 x Iseki TU157F Tractor

12 x 10 m + straight trees


Plenty of Time.

Step 1.

Doing the ground work.

Because the approaches for the previous bridge were still in place, the D6b is used to push them down and prepare for the new bridge foundations.  And here is a picture:

Ground work (1)
That is the Antique Dozer in the foreground - and the grid.

Ground work (3)

Both approaches ground work sorted - with a temporary fence up to stop the cows from falling in the river.

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