21 January, 2013

High Water mark

Now we can get to our shedouse, we get to go to the next stage.

Water and plumbing.

The shed should be able to catch ample water for our needs - but we do need to keep the water somewhere.

The water set up will be a 22,500lt tank with a 1200 lt high tank - so we don't need to use the water pump all the time.

As we won't be on the electricty grid, solar/wind/water electricity is all we will have, and gas for heating.

So that means - doing everything the old fashioned way, including the water.

It won't be enough pressure to have a shower, but we will be able to fill the kettle, and the toilet  and to run the tap to wash your hands.    To create enough 'head', the small tank needs to be up high.

Luckily for me the FB is an accomplished welder.  He does, however, not like it and also hates it.  So I am very thankful that he has put his fab skills to good use and has created a high tank stand.

We were also lucky enough to have the material on site, so it could all happen fairly smoothly.

We have a welder that was gifted to us by the FB's father, which is in pretty good nick, and the lengths had to be cut with an angle grinder, not a drop saw, so the job was not without its challenges.

It was also completed on the HOTTEST day of the year/summer at 36c.

Which the FB does not like and also he hates as well.

Have a look at the work in progress:

Tank Stand (1)
Cross Bracing

Tank Stand (3)
The top section where the tank will sit
Tank Stand (2)
He might hate it, but he is SO good at it!

Tank Stand (5)
Not the only sparks that flew.

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