02 July, 2012

I once had blinds and now I see

Even though the windows have arrived and are on site, there is quite a bit of work to do before they go in.
We need to finish off the floor, and do some work on the deck etc, so I though we could put up the cafe blinds before that.
We bought the cafe blinds from Bunnings quite a while ago - and while they were not cheap, they were alot more affordable than customised blinds – which we do have every intention of getting, when the budget allows.

Now I know that there is a nice easy link here to how to put the blinds up. But we were on site, with no phone reception and no internet conncetion. Well, no power even. So we had to rely on the instructions that came with the blinds. That are written in engrish.
And here are the pictures:

Don't ask me - I'm a dog

Oh my ticky tacky blinds....

If in doubt, use a clamp

Optimal Zipper operation..... check!

Easier the second time though

But at the end of the day, they are up, and really really effective.

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