08 July, 2012

I Love it, cause that’s what your hard work gets you

You know how at points in your life you really think that nothing is happening. That you are just spinning your wheels, and that it doesn't matter what you do, you can't move forward. It feels like you are never going to get 'there'.

Late on Saturday afternoon, we put in the first glass panel. That panel really felt like the shedhouse reality was upon us. And let me tell you, you would have been hard pressed to find a happier, prouder girl in the world.

There we were, nestled in the far reaches of the Condamine river gorge, with Mt Grace and Mt Superbus looking down on us, with clear evidence of all the hard work, tears and tantrums (mostly mine), and it looked spectacular.

This song was running through my head, and I was so damn proud of all the work that the FB had put in. Everything that was in front of us, he had researched, purchased and shipped to site. Every piece has his handprint on it. He worked through bad weather, hangovers and study, a new job, more responsibility and the wet. My god the wet.

Beats the pants off any bunch of flowers or sparkly thing I have ever been given.

Thank you my love.

(On Sunday the FB finished off the flashing and we put in the remaining panels, he also cleaned up the site, so official lock up stage is here. Now onto the trades and internals)

(If you are wondering what I did in this time, do you see the banana lounge in the bottom RH corner of the second to last photo? That's what I did)

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