Walls! Roof! It is all happening!
What we need now is a floor. Generally speaking, a shed/house like this is built with a slab floor. Our place has not for a couple of reasons.
1. We couldn’t get a concrete mixer in here and I am not mixing that much concrete
2. The shed is on an old flood plain, with beautiful fertile and unpredictable black soil that moves a lot
3. It is pretty wet, and we don’t really have the time to wait for a slab to cure.
The FB came up with a cunning plan, involving adjustable stumps, timber joints and purloins and the digging of yet more holes.
After our original hole digging experience, digging the holes for the floor stumps was actually pretty fun. Although it rained and we faced the same challenges with the post hole digger, we had a roof over our heads, and a carton of beer to help us!
I directed, and shovelled and did not drive the tractor, which meant that the holes were dug in good time and pretty much in the right place. The beer definitely helped!
The adjustable stumps were a bit more challenging. The FB had a very definite idea of how he wanted them to be, and back in the recesses of my memory, I had seen a very similar product, so I knew what he was speaking of.
But not quite
Or like this
But not quite
We need the stumps to be adjustable to overcome the ground movement, and also to overcome the “It’s the first time we have ever built a house so it isn’t really100% square” issues.
So the FB talked to his Dad, who has been a fabrication engineer and problem solver, for pretty much the last 30 years.
Et Voila! This is where a picture of the stumps would go - if I had one. But rest assured - they are awesome.
The stumps are beautiful, what the FB wanted and TOTALLY over engineered for our purpose. Perfect!
So more shovelling, more mixing, the adjustable stumps are in.